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🎤 Interview with Lil Flow: A Day in the Life of a Rapper 🎤

🌟 Interviewer: Hi Lil Flow! Thanks for being here today. Can you tell us about your daily routine?

🎵 Lil Flow: Yo, thanks for having me! My days are super busy 🚀. Every morning, I have to wake up early ⏰ because my manager says I need discipline 🏛️. But honestly, I must drink my coffee first ☕, or I can’t function 😫. Then, I have to go to the studio 🎧 for at least six hours. The label expects me to record new songs every week 🎤, so it’s not optional.

🌟 Interviewer: Wow! That sounds intense 😯. Do you always have to write new lyrics?

🎵 Lil Flow: Yeah, I have to write lyrics 🖊️ almost every day because my fans 👀 want new music. But I must write about real experiences ✨, not just random words. For me, music has to be honest ❤️.

🌟 Interviewer: What about social media? Is it important for a rapper?

🎵 Lil Flow: Oh, absolutely! I have to post on Instagram 📸 and TikTok 🎧 all the time. If I don’t, my fans might forget about me 😟. But I must be careful about what I post because I want to stay real and not fake 💀.

🌟 Interviewer: Do you have to perform at many concerts?

🎵 Lil Flow: Yes, I have to do at least three concerts 🎤 every month. My agent 💼 books the shows, so I don’t have a choice. But I must give my best in every performance 🔥 because my audience deserves it.

🌟 Interviewer: Is there something you don’t have to do?

🎵 Lil Flow: Well, I don’t have to wake up early on weekends 🥳, which is nice! And I don’t have to work alone—my producer 🎹 helps me a lot.

🌟 Interviewer: Are there things you must not do?

🎵 Lil Flow: Yes! I must not ignore my fans 👀. They are everything to me 🙏. Also, I must not spend all my money 🤑 on stupid things. A lot of rappers go broke 😩 because they don’t save.

🌟 Interviewer: What do you do before a concert?

🎵 Lil Flow: Before a concert, I have to warm up my voice 🎧. If I don’t, my voice sounds terrible 💀. I also have to check my outfit 👗 because my stylist 🎭 chooses my look. But I must wear something that feels like me, not just what’s trendy 💅.

🌟 Interviewer: What about working with other artists?

🎵 Lil Flow: I have to collaborate with other rappers—it’s part of the industry 🎶. My record label organizes collaborations, so I don’t decide 📢. But I must work with people I respect 🌟. If I don’t like someone’s music, I won’t do a song with them.

🌟 Interviewer: Any advice for young rappers?

🎵 Lil Flow: Yeah! If you want to be a rapper, you have to work hard 💨. Nobody gives you success for free 📈. And you must believe in yourself 🚀, even when others don’t. Never stop improving! 💪


1️⃣ True or False?

Read the interview and decide if the statements are true or false.

  1. Lil Flow wakes up late every morning.
  2. He writes new lyrics every day because he wants to be honest.
  3. He doesn’t use social media very often.
  4. He must always perform well at concerts.
  5. He can choose how many concerts to do every month.
  6. He must not ignore his fans.
  7. He doesn’t have to warm up before a concert.
  8. He chooses all his outfits without help.
  9. He has to collaborate with other rappers.
  10. He believes hard work is important for success.

2️⃣ Word Definitions

Match each word to its correct definition.

  1. Discipline – A) ______ achieving a goal
  2. Function – B) ______ someone who chooses clothes for artists
  3. Record – C) ______ to work or operate correctly
  4. Label – D) ______ when someone sings, acts, or plays music
  5. Honest – E) ______ platforms like Instagram and TikTok
  6. Social media – F) ______ to create music or sound files
  7. Performance – G) ______ a company that produces music
  8. Audience – H) ______ working with someone else
  9. Producer – I) ______ the business world of music, fashion, etc.
  10. Stylist – J) ______ to not pay attention to something
  11. Ignore – K) ______ people who watch a concert or show
  12. Success – L) ______ a set of clothes
  13. Outfit – M) ______ the ability to follow rules and stay organized
  14. Collaboration – N) ______ a person who makes music beats and sounds
  15. Industry – O) ______ truthful, real

3️⃣ Grammar: Must & Have to

Complete the sentences with must, must not, have to, or don’t have to.

  1. Lil Flow ______ wake up early because his manager says so.
  2. He ______ drink coffee before starting his day.
  3. He ______ post on social media often, or his fans might forget him.
  4. He ______ give his best at every concert because his audience deserves it.
  5. He ______ choose his outfits alone; his stylist helps him.
  6. He ______ ignore his fans because they are important.
  7. He ______ perform concerts every month; his agent decides.
  8. He ______ spend all his money on silly things, or he might go broke.
  9. He ______ collaborate with other artists; the label organizes it.
  10. He ______ believe in himself if he wants to succeed.


2️⃣ Word Definitions (solutions)

  1. Discipline – the ability to follow rules and stay organized
  2. Function – to work or operate correctly
  3. Record – to create music or sound files
  4. Label – a company that produces music
  5. Honest – truthful, real
  6. Social media – platforms like Instagram and TikTok
  7. Performance – when someone sings, acts, or plays music
  8. Audience – people who watch a concert or show
  9. Producer – a person who makes music beats and sounds
  10. Stylist – someone who chooses clothes for artists
  11. Ignore – to not pay attention to something
  12. Success – achieving a goal
  13. Outfit – a set of clothes
  14. Collaboration – working with someone else
  15. Industry – the business world of music, fashion, etc.

1️⃣ True or False?

  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True
  7. False
  8. False
  9. True
  10. True

3️⃣ Must & Have to

  1. have to
  2. must
  3. have to
  4. must
  5. doesn’t have to
  6. must not
  7. have to
  8. must not
  9. have to
  10. must

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