🎤 Interview with Lil Flow: A Day in the Life of a Rapper 🎤
🌟 Interviewer: Hi Lil Flow! Thanks for being here today. Can you tell us about your daily routine?
🎵 Lil Flow: Yo, thanks for having me! My days are super busy 🚀. Every morning, I have to wake up early ⏰ because my manager says I need discipline 🏛️. But honestly, I must drink my coffee first ☕, or I can’t function 😫. Then, I have to go to the studio 🎧 for at least six hours. The label expects me to record new songs every week 🎤, so it’s not optional.
🌟 Interviewer: Wow! That sounds intense 😯. Do you always have to write new lyrics?
🎵 Lil Flow: Yeah, I have to write lyrics 🖊️ almost every day because my fans 👀 want new music. But I must write about real experiences ✨, not just random words. For me, music has to be honest ❤️.
🌟 Interviewer: What about social media? Is it important for a rapper?
🎵 Lil Flow: Oh, absolutely! I have to post on Instagram 📸 and TikTok 🎧 all the time. If I don’t, my fans might forget about me 😟. But I must be careful about what I post because I want to stay real and not fake 💀.
🌟 Interviewer: Do you have to perform at many concerts?
🎵 Lil Flow: Yes, I have to do at least three concerts 🎤 every month. My agent 💼 books the shows, so I don’t have a choice. But I must give my best in every performance 🔥 because my audience deserves it.
🌟 Interviewer: Is there something you don’t have to do?
🎵 Lil Flow: Well, I don’t have to wake up early on weekends 🥳, which is nice! And I don’t have to work alone—my producer 🎹 helps me a lot.
🌟 Interviewer: Are there things you must not do?
🎵 Lil Flow: Yes! I must not ignore my fans 👀. They are everything to me 🙏. Also, I must not spend all my money 🤑 on stupid things. A lot of rappers go broke 😩 because they don’t save.
🌟 Interviewer: What do you do before a concert?
🎵 Lil Flow: Before a concert, I have to warm up my voice 🎧. If I don’t, my voice sounds terrible 💀. I also have to check my outfit 👗 because my stylist 🎭 chooses my look. But I must wear something that feels like me, not just what’s trendy 💅.
🌟 Interviewer: What about working with other artists?
🎵 Lil Flow: I have to collaborate with other rappers—it’s part of the industry 🎶. My record label organizes collaborations, so I don’t decide 📢. But I must work with people I respect 🌟. If I don’t like someone’s music, I won’t do a song with them.
🌟 Interviewer: Any advice for young rappers?
🎵 Lil Flow: Yeah! If you want to be a rapper, you have to work hard 💨. Nobody gives you success for free 📈. And you must believe in yourself 🚀, even when others don’t. Never stop improving! 💪

1️⃣ True or False?
Read the interview and decide if the statements are true or false.
- Lil Flow wakes up late every morning.
- He writes new lyrics every day because he wants to be honest.
- He doesn’t use social media very often.
- He must always perform well at concerts.
- He can choose how many concerts to do every month.
- He must not ignore his fans.
- He doesn’t have to warm up before a concert.
- He chooses all his outfits without help.
- He has to collaborate with other rappers.
- He believes hard work is important for success.
2️⃣ Word Definitions
Match each word to its correct definition.
- Discipline – A) ______ achieving a goal
- Function – B) ______ someone who chooses clothes for artists
- Record – C) ______ to work or operate correctly
- Label – D) ______ when someone sings, acts, or plays music
- Honest – E) ______ platforms like Instagram and TikTok
- Social media – F) ______ to create music or sound files
- Performance – G) ______ a company that produces music
- Audience – H) ______ working with someone else
- Producer – I) ______ the business world of music, fashion, etc.
- Stylist – J) ______ to not pay attention to something
- Ignore – K) ______ people who watch a concert or show
- Success – L) ______ a set of clothes
- Outfit – M) ______ the ability to follow rules and stay organized
- Collaboration – N) ______ a person who makes music beats and sounds
- Industry – O) ______ truthful, real
3️⃣ Grammar: Must & Have to
Complete the sentences with must, must not, have to, or don’t have to.
- Lil Flow ______ wake up early because his manager says so.
- He ______ drink coffee before starting his day.
- He ______ post on social media often, or his fans might forget him.
- He ______ give his best at every concert because his audience deserves it.
- He ______ choose his outfits alone; his stylist helps him.
- He ______ ignore his fans because they are important.
- He ______ perform concerts every month; his agent decides.
- He ______ spend all his money on silly things, or he might go broke.
- He ______ collaborate with other artists; the label organizes it.
- He ______ believe in himself if he wants to succeed.
✅ Solutions
2️⃣ Word Definitions (solutions)
- Discipline – the ability to follow rules and stay organized
- Function – to work or operate correctly
- Record – to create music or sound files
- Label – a company that produces music
- Honest – truthful, real
- Social media – platforms like Instagram and TikTok
- Performance – when someone sings, acts, or plays music
- Audience – people who watch a concert or show
- Producer – a person who makes music beats and sounds
- Stylist – someone who chooses clothes for artists
- Ignore – to not pay attention to something
- Success – achieving a goal
- Outfit – a set of clothes
- Collaboration – working with someone else
- Industry – the business world of music, fashion, etc.
1️⃣ True or False?
- False
- True
- False
- True
- False
- True
- False
- False
- True
- True
3️⃣ Must & Have to
- have to
- must
- have to
- must
- doesn’t have to
- must not
- have to
- must not
- have to
- must